“Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary”

Bryan Gregg
1 min readAug 27, 2021
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

That quote, from Peter Pan author JM Barrie, is a good way to start your day.

We are all having a tough time just now, some more than others, granted but these last 18 months or so have been unprecedented. It does us a disservice as humans to automatically think the worst of others and be angry or upset when mean things are said, or posted online.

Before you judge, or hit back, take a breath. Take a deeper one. Do you know what kind of day that person is having? Do you know what’s happened to them lately? Did their snippy comment really come from a dark and nasty place? Or are things just a bit much for them at the moment?

I read this lovely piece yesterday and this struck a chord:

structurally this summer appears unsound, a haunted little apartment where time goes faster and slower, but you never know which

Maybe we all feel a little like that just now. And that’s okay. So, my advice? Treat others as you’d like to be treated, take that breath, do the kind thing. We pass this way but once.

